Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Monday again …


It seems like Monday’s are really the worst. Or maybe it’s Sunday night’s. Regardless, I know that when I get up Monday morning, I’m going to be feeling dizzy and tired.

Of course, it’s not as bad as it was last weekend. I truly am thankful for that. But it has been frustrating not feeling normal.

It’s kind of like having your head in a jar. Everything seems kind of distant and far away. And my right ear has been hurting today, off and on.

And last night, I had a severe spell of being nauseous. It came right after I started eating dinner. I just felt very, very sick to my stomach. It has continued a little into today, so I’m trying to eat little bits as the day goes along.

Tomorrow is the day I’m supposed to get the ENG balance test. Hopefully that will show something. If not, I’m likely to just go insane. Like I’m not already. Whatever.

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