Archive for October, 2003
ZemptThis for IE!
If you are as big a fan of Zempt as I am, then you will love this.
It adds a “ZemptThis” item to your Interent Explorer context-menu so which functions like the bookmarklets function from Movable Type.
ยป Download ZemptThis (10/24/2003, 3K zip file, version 1.0)
Spammers are Evil
One of the newest threats to bloggers: Comment Spam.
Got Comment-Spammed Today
Man, I really hate spammers. They truly are one of the lowest forms of life on earth. They send gigs and gigs of time-wasting, offensive junk into your e-mail, bog down your servers with their depraved material, then they scum up your web site with comment-spam!
Fall is my favorite season
I really love this time of year. You should drive through Northwest Arkansas during the Fall and see the leaves changing colors, it’s beautiful.
Look for the peak times from the official State of Arkansas page.
The Testing was Shocking!
Went to the neuro today and had the EMG test. Yowie. It was rather unpleasant.
Surprise Birthday Party
Yesterday we went to a surprise birthday party for a good friend. It was quite an event!
SpamAssassin on Win32 Continued
Well, so far the SpamAssassinator service I created using the ActiveState PDK is working well. We’ve had some problems with our primary MX server (which is running through Brightmail) and the backup running SA took a pretty big hit, but kept up pretty well.
MRA Done, Feeling Fine (Love that Xanax)
Finished the MRA this evening, after quite a long wait at the hospital to be called back. It was no sweat, expecially after the Xanax. Whooie!