Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Neuro Today


Went to see the neurologist today. Didn’t learn much and have been feeling about the same. But I have a slew of tests lined up.

For the last week, the main problem has been that I have been so darned fatigued. My legs are feeling like I have been running a long race and they can just barely carry me at times. Still crampy feeling too, with the same feeling in my upper arms and chest.

Just yesterday I bought a 40 pound bag of dog food to bring home and it was all I could do to get it back to the car. I had to ask one of the kids to bring it into the house! Man, that’s just sad.

The neuro scheduled several MORE tests to be done plus a ton of lab work. Going for the MRA on Friday, then will have EMG tests (I think that’s the shocking thing to test the electrical signals from your brain to your muscles) and then another thing called an "evoked response" test or something.

I also have to take this long sheet of lab tests to my GP to see if they can do all the requested tests. Some of the lab tests are supposed to take up to 4 weeks to get the results!

Needless to say, I’m a bit bummed out about the whole thing.

Although I actually slept better last night that I have in several nights — maybe things will improve for a while.

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