Archive for June, 2004
Annie’s Arrival
Our new baby has arrived. Along with our five kids, four dogs, two cats, one rabbit and four mice, we have added another puppy, this one a miniature schnauzer named Annie. I created a small gallery of her because she is so dang cute, it hurts. Bad.
Unfairenheit 9-11 – Big fat lies
Unfairenheit 9/11 – The lies of Michael Moore. By Christopher Hitchens. What a great read. It’s very refreshing to hear someone point out the foolishness that is Michael Moore. And even better is the site.
Change to WordPress
Well, this evening I went live with WordPress. It took quite a lot of work to get my templates just right, and a little tweaking to the code (for sub-categories, especially) but I’m pretty pleased. I suspect I’ll find some things that are not quite right, but I’m pretty tired right now. Besides, it has been an especially dizzying weekend. Bluh.
First try to WordPress with Zempt
This is my first attempt at posting with Zempt to WordPress. Part of the migration to WordPress must include the ability to post with Zempt. I have become very dependent upon it for making my offline and spell-checked posts! (Of course, I can still find ways to mess things up.)
A (Frustrating) American Experience
I was actually angry enough to call and complain. Admittedly, I am rather conservative. Well, real conservative. I’ve even been described as "a little to the right of Attila the Hun." Still, it just seemed wrong. The local PBS station interrupted American Experience: Reagan in order to broadcast an interview with Jimmy Carter and his wife.
Is it just me?
I don’t know what is going on, but this morning I woke up and had over 20 messages of spam that were not marked up as spam, many of them from the same name (but not the same email address, of course.) This is after they had been run through Brightmail and then SpamAssassin. It’s been a long time since I had that many in one day. Most of the messages had medium SA scores (2.9 up to 4.1).
I really hate spammers. Maybe I should just set the SA threshhold to something like 1.0. Hmmmmm.