Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Archive for August, 2004

What Does This Mean?


I’ve been seeing more comment spam recently (of course, none of it ever gets posted to my site since I have ALL comments moderated.) I kept a week’s worth of IP addresses stored and decided to Google the addresses. One of the hits listed most of them. Does anyone know what these are? Are these open ICQ proxies or what?

Feeling Woozy Again


I had another one of those creepy-crawly, feeling-like-I’m-gonna-pass-out episodes again today. Got all sweaty and shaky and stuff. It’s been a long time since this has happened.

New Scientist: Cheating Chernobyl


New Scientist has an very interesting interview with Alexander Yuvchenko, who was on duty at Chernobyl’s reactor number 4 the night it exploded on 26 April, 1986. This was just a few months before I graduated high school and I can remember being enthralled with the whole story back then. Nuclear plants are still facinating to me.

Uproar over anti-Kerry ad, but not Moore?


Three groups have filed a complaint accusing the organization Swift Boat Veterans for Truth of violating campaign finance laws by airing an ad that is critical of John Kerry’s military record.

Pillar, Thousand Foot Krutch (almost) concert review


I took my 16-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son to the Pillar/Thousand Foot Krutch concert here at the Little Rock Clear Channel Metroplex on Thursday last week and we really enjoyed it. It was definitely a hard rocker that met all expectations. Well, except that TFK didn’t show up. I’ve heard the story goes something like this: