Good hard ride
Kate and I just got back from an 8.2 mile bicycle ride. That is pretty good for us, especially since it is 92 degrees outside. We averaged 9.9 mph over the whole trek and there are a lot of hills out where we ride. Especially that killer hill on Vesta Lane. Normally, we go down the main road and pass the Vesta turn-off saying as we pass it "So, you up for it yet? Nah, me either!"
Well, today we took the turn on Vesta and went all the way up the first steep hill, down the backside and up another long hill which was hidden behind the first. After reaching the end of the dead-end, we u-turned and pressed all the way back out to the main road without even hesitating. We passed a yard with three intimidating (but napping) Rottweilers. Good thing it was hot and they were tired!
And that was just the first three miles of the ride. It’s nice that it is starting to feel good to ride hard again.
Glad to hear you’re feeling good enough to go on a long bike ride. What became of the vertigo, and how did you resolve it?
Well, I do still occasionally have bouts of dizziness, but none that are crippling like they were initially. Mostly the fix was a combination of getting my diabetes under control, exercising, and a prescription for an anti-anxiety drug (bupropion.) Hope things are going well with you!