Archive for January, 2007
My son verminized his computer … and learned a lesson
Computer safety and protection are very big at my house. I suppose this is because I am responsible for so many computers at my job, and have dealt with all sorts of malware and virus infections. I have seen computers turned into boat anchors due to the affect of these trojans and botware. Because of this, I have tried to teach my kids about the evils of software cracks, warez, illegal file sharing and pop ups that promise to fix stuff that’s not really broken. One of the best precautions I have taken is to deny my kids access to the administrator’s account. I always make them to run as plain-vanilla users in order to protect them from the accidental installation of any malware that is so prevalent on the Internet. But like the old quote, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men …”
Apple iTunes XML DTD gone missing
If you try to load your iTunes library into an XML parser, you are probably going to get an error because Apple, in their infinite wisdom, has seen fit to remove the DTD from their web server. If you try to load you get a 404, Page Not Found. Um, Apple, could you please put it back?
Update: (9:50 p.m., 2007-01-02) If you add the two lines:
xmldoc.validateOnParse = false;
xmldoc.resolveExternals = false;
before loading the XML, it will ignore the missing DTD.
Happy New Year!
Remember all the good things from last year and let those things move you throughout 2007. I remember my kids, my deepening relationship with Penny, the way God has blessed me through the highs and lows and matured me through it all. Have a happy New Year!