Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Archive for June, 2008

Father grounds daughter, court overrules


Straight out of the “too weird to be true” files, it appears a female justice from the Quebec Superior Court has ruled that father really doesn’t know best.

The father banned his 12-year-old daughter from going online after she posted pictures of herself on a dating site. Then after fighting with her stepmother, the father told her she couldn’t go on a school trip. The girl took the matter to court and — be afraid — seems to have won her case.

Madam Justice Suzanne Tessier of the Quebec Superior Court ruled on Friday that the father couldn’t discipline his daughter by barring her from the school trip.

Lucie Fortin, the lawyer representing the 12-year-old, said the judge found that depriving the girl of the school trip was an excessive punishment.

She said the girl has already been forbidden to use the Internet and her father also punished her by canceling her participation in an extracurricular event.

Please, please don’t let this foolishness come to the States.

What a great father’s day!!!


Went on a 13-mile bike ride with my son, went to Academy and bought a badminton set and a Frisbee®, then played outside for nearly four more hours! Not to mention the fact that I got breakfast in bed (Eggos, milk and coffee!) and running shorts to boot! I am exhausted but it has been such a good day. I even took some of Kate’s brownies and cookies back to my dad.

Leopard stops connecting to Windows AFP Server


If your new OS X Leopard balks at making an AFP connection to a Windows 2000/2003 Server running File Services for Macintosh, that’s probably because Leopard no longer will allow sending passwords in clear text to a file server. And not only that, but the option to allow sending the password in clear text has been removed from the Connect to Server dialog box. Isn’t that convenient?

But thanks to an article on I’ve found the fix: The simplest thing to do is enter two commands at a command/terminal prompt. The more in depth fix is to install the developer tools and edit the ~/Library/Preferences/ file. The terminal commands are pretty painless:

  1. defaults write "afp_cleartext_allow" -bool YES
  2. defaults write "afp_cleartext_warn" -bool YES

That’s all you have to do. Now you can connect without a hitch again, so back to work!