Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons


Enable pf at startup on Apple macOS, SIP enabled


After searching for a way to enable the built in pf firewall at startup in High Sierra (I didn’t want to additionally enable the Application Firewall, just the packet filter piece) I found many posts that all mentioned disabling System Integrity Protection (SIP) and directly editing the default launchd file:


Yosemite and Apple Mail


This fixed a huge issue I had with Apple mail:

Edit: Apparently the author is going through an existential crisis of some sort and has removed the post; the long and short of it was to disable (uncheck) the setting for “Automatically detect and maintain settings”.

PuTTYTray has a new build!


Just to make sure everyone knows, PuTTYTray (or Putty Tray) has a new build, based on some security fixes that were released by Simon Tatham. The current build of PuTTYTray is current with PuTTY’s trunk.

SCP with spaces in the name


Note to self: When you want to copy files recursively to a destination with spaces in the name using SCP, the syntax is (assuming you want to copy the contents of the current directory to a remote location):

  1. scp -p -r ./* user@destinationserver:"/Path/That/Has/Some\ Spaces\ In\ It/"

iCloud vs. Snow Leopard vs. Windows 7


I have been using MobileMe since Apple started the service to keep my contacts and calendar in sync across all of my devices wirelessly. Except for a few hiccups early on, it has been a great solution to keep all of my information with me all of the time — on my iPhone, iPad, Windows 7 PC and a Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard (10.6.8.)


PuTTY Tray: Redux — 0.61


→ Updated 2012-02-19: I have created a new static page with information about the new PuTTY Tray build. All future updates will be found on that page.

→ Updated 2011-11-10: There is a new version with added features/bugfixes!

PuTTY Tray (or PuTTYtray) is an unofficial branch of PuTTY, the terminal program. It builds on an already excellent application adding many features that (at least for me) make significant improvements including the ability to minimize the application to the system tray and turn URLs into clickable links within the terminal window.


MobileMe still doesn’t support Outlook reminders


Apple’s MobileMe is a great idea. It has been the only real answer to keeping contacts and calendars synced across multiple Apple devices (iPhone, iPad) and multiple computers using both Windows and OS X. Despite a rocky start (see this article) the service has gradually become better and better. But a problem developed for Outlook users when Apple moved to a new calendar format. The upgraded calendar no longer synchronizes your local Outlook calendar with the MobileMe remote calendar (including your alerts/reminders) — instead you get a second, external CalDAV calendar linked in Outlook and stored “in the cloud,” separate and distinct from your local Outlook calendar.


Clear Outlook 2010 contact MRU


It took a while to find this answer. To clear the Outlook 2010 contact search drop down (what used to be called the QuickMRU in earlier versions of Outlook) you have to go to this registry key.

  1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\profile_name\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\101f0446

You can edit it or delete it, but it is a binary type so it appears to store the information in Unicode.

I found the answer here.