Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Stir fry


Oh my gosh, this was incredible! We started with the recipe for stir fry from Arkansas Foodies and improvised a bit with crowder peas and Linzano sauce. It was simply incredible, thanks again to our home-grown eggs and Farm Girl Natural Foods (Facebook page.) This time we used her hmong sausage, an Asian sausage style flavored with ginger, cilantro, and chilies.

Pesto pizza


This is pesto pizza using linguica sausage from Farm Girl Natural Foods, which can also be found on Facebook. I browned the sausage, made a pesto cream sauce and added the sauce, sausage, fresh mushrooms, fresh arugula, mozzarella and feta cheese to a pre-made crust that was brushed with extra virgin olive oil. It was cooked on a super-hot pizza stone for ~15 minutes.



Homemade migas using linguica sausage from Farm Girl Natural Food, which can also be found on Facebook; I also used our very own farm’s eggs, home-grown onions and jalapeño peppers!

They were most excellent and Annie approved. So much so, she had to take a nappy on the couch after breakfast!